Recruitment Management System

360-degree solutions to streamline the recruitment processes end-to-end,
and select the best out of the best candidates for a job profile.
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Developing a Recruitment Management System for optimized recruiter efficiency, reduced process cost and increased closure rates through better fitments in shorter timelines is crucial for human resource functions of an organization. RMS is a useful tool for the HR personnel to pre-assess the potential candidates and filter out unsuitable applications before they come across their desk.

For a successful candidate recruitment solution, streamlining the entire process, automated requisite approval, and enhancing the communication between various teams is vital. The system self-searches candidates rank them and screen them to find the most suitable applicant for the position.

Apart from efficient time management, talent acquisition and evaluation of the skills from the talent pool, data warehouse is what drives an ideal RMS. Moreover, a positive candidate experience is a vital part of a well-organized recruitment system.

How Recruitment Management System work?

Most human resource departments understand the significance of automation and paperless system, but a seasoned HR professional wants more than that; they need a phenomenal system that drives technologies and at the same time ensures management buy-in for a recruitment software system. Good recruitment software must combine the functions of HR with benefits to the rest of the organization.

A bespoke RMS increases your online shares and referrals, increases candidate response rates, job distribution and visibility of passive candidates, brings traffic to your career site, enhances recruiter productivity when requisition loads are heavy and inbox recruiting is the primary activity, and increases total number of unique applicants into your RMS each month.

For recruiters, a targeted recruitment campaign is more likely to meet their objectives by maximizing their investments. The huge investments that organizations make to generate traffic must not go waste.

Recruitment Management System Benefits

  • Finite number of initial interview engagement events are offered free of cost to the recruiters.
  • The tool helps you save a lot of time and effort by pre-screening of the candidates.
  • You need not ask same basic questions to each candidate again and again. This repeated task will be diligently taken care by our Interview Management System.
  • You need not waste your valuable time in entertaining the misfit candidates.
  • It's a great tool for those who are not hardcore career recruiters.
  • It offers you and the candidates a lot of flexibility. While the candidate can appear for interview as per its convenience, you too can view the video of interview session at a convenient time of your choice later on.
  • Registration is absolutely free and hassle free. It will be completed within 2 minutes.

Technology Offerings

  • Custom Development Custom Development
  • SQL Server SQL Server
  • Microsoft .Net Microsoft .Net
  • Oracle Oracle
  • Java Java
  • TalentRecruit TalentRecruit
  • Ruby on Rails Ruby on Rails
  • Zoho Recruit Zoho Recruit
  • Open Source Open Source
  • Applicant Tracking System Applicant Tracking System

Partners & Accreditations

  • Mircosoft Solutions Partner
  • Saleforce Partner
  • Hedera
  • AWS Parnter
  • Google Premier Partner
  • ISO

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