Supply Chain Management

Revolutionize supply chain performance, collaborate better with vendors and customers, improve time
to market, and minimize supply disruptions with the most robust SCM solutions.
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Supply chain management solution empowers you to plan and execute your supply chain strategies in profitable ways. Get a holistic view of the finances, demand, and supply with real-time input from all concerned departments. SCM solution allows enterprises to integrate their supply chain with supply chains of their vendors, suppliers, partners, and customers in a single vast network to maximize operational efficiency for everyone involved.

The solution allows suppliers, employees and customers collaborate effectively in real-time. This allows for the involvement of key players in troubleshooting of the problems as and when they occur anywhere in the supply chain. Real-time capabilities allow businesses to be agiler and adapt to changing customer demands in the quickest manner.

A system is as good as the information it gets as input, and it applies double well to supply chain management solution. If the employees bypass SCM and attempt tasks manually through spreadsheets, even the most sophisticated system won't be able to provide an accurate big picture of what exactly is happening at various entry and exit points of the enterprise supply chain. Our integrated, automated solution is devised to eliminate such errors.

How Supply Chain Management Works?

Companies need to develop a set of metrics and strategies to monitor supply chain for cost-effective delivery of high-value products. Supply chain managers need to set pricing, delivery and payment processes for improved relationships and management.

SCM helps the managers schedule activities necessary for production, testing, packaging, and distribution of goods. Logistics comes next that involves setting up of invoicing and receipt systems, coordination with warehouses and carriers for delivery of products to the end-user. A good supply chain management solution should be responsive and flexible to receive back defective products and support customers facing problems.

The payoff for real-time and accurate supply chain information is its ability to provide you insight on producing and stocking as many products only as there is a market for. Our supply chain management solution is devised to help you proactively plan, schedule, source, produce, store and distribute products.

Supply Chain Management System Benefits

  • Supplier-relationship management.
  • Purchase order processing.
  • Efficient coordination between manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, and customers.
  • Maximized profits through improved operational efficiency.
  • Inventory and warehouse management.
  • Procurement, assets and logistics management.
  • End-to-end optimization of planning, scheduling, and execution.
  • Real-time access to information and inventory.

Technology Offerings

  • Custom Development Custom Development
  • SQL Server SQL Server
  • Oracle Oracle
  • Microsoft .Net Microsoft .Net
  • ZohoCRM ZohoCRM
  • Java Java
  • SugarCRM SugarCRM
  • Ruby on Rails Ruby on Rails
  • Infusionsoft Infusionsoft
  • Open Source Open Source
  • Salesforce Salesforce
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Partners & Accreditations

  • Mircosoft Solutions Partner
  • Saleforce Partner
  • Hedera
  • AWS Parnter
  • Google Premier Partner
  • ISO

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