A Scalable Shopify E-commerce Platform Improved The Response Rate Of A US-Based Cosmetic Brand

Expertise: Custom Web Development E-commerce Solutions
Verticals: Retail & eCommerce
Technologies: Shopify Braintree Payment GatewayPaypal Plus Payment Gateway
Home > Portfolio > A Scalable Shopify E-commerce Platform Improved The Response Rate Of A US-Based Cosmetic Brand
Client Overview
A leading name in the cosmetic segment needed an e-commerce web portal to penetrate the global market. Since 2007, the client has been offering award-winning lash serums and has sold over 1 million tubes worldwide. Our team of Shopify developers helped the client create an intuitive and robust e-commerce solution that was integrated with different APIs - shipping, payment gateways, etc. With the e-commerce store deployed, the client maximized its reach, increased the response time, and enhanced the overall buying experience.
Business Needs
For enhancing the overall website UX, the client wanted to come up with a robust and interactively designed e-commerce web portal. The client was looking to beautify the e-commerce store along with making it highly functional in terms of development. A well-developed and better-designed e-commerce website was expected to boost the business returns as well. Some other key needs of the business from the engagement are outlined below.

  • Revamping the look and feel of the e-commerce website to improve the user engagement rate
  • Displaying related products on the cart page with a logic to omit the items which are already added in the cart
  • Enabling the customers to add more product on the same page
  • Accelerating the checkout to the extent that it is a one-step process
  • Powering up the sales to the next level by carrying out different design and development tweaks
Strategy & Solution
For realizing its business needs, the client collaborated with Flexsin. After much brainstorming, the client and Flexsin's development team zeroed in on Shopify as its go-to platform for building an intuitive e-commerce outlet. The Shopify e-commerce web development team had deep expertise in developing and deploying a range of e-commerce websites and online boutique outlets. To make the e-commerce website more conversion-driven and faster to browse, the team analyzed the current market trends and other lifestyle needs. These analyses were carried out in phases beginning from the e-commerce portal's conception to its development and testing.
Moreover, the client wanted its e-commerce outlet to have a robust and well-organized administrator panel for managing Products, Categories, Orders, Invoices, Customers, Taxes, CMS Pages, Sliders, Payment Gateways, and Shipping APIs with various types of daily/monthly sales reports. So, the custom design theme and web development model had to seamlessly align with every need of the client.

Front-end Flexsin's deep Shopify expertise enabled the client to have an e-commerce store for building a highly intuitive user interface. The idea was to develop an interactive UI that built brand credibility and eliminated any friction points that led to the loss of leads. A few highlights of the front-end development work are mentioned.
  • Building a one-step checkout process for helping shoppers see price conversions in their respective currencies on the cart page
  • Creating a fast-moving and fluid UI that acted as a springboard for increasing conversions
  • Accelerating the load times to make sure the user wait-time comes down to zero
  • Neatly categorizing the merchandise so that it not just sits on the e-commerce portal but even grabs attention

Backend A robust Shopify e-commerce website needed an equally robust backend system. The team used MySQL as its database of choice for organizing the store-specific data. The client leveraged Flexsin's dedicated PHP developers for building a rock-solid and secure backend logic. Some of the key highlights of the backend work done during the engagement are listed below.
  • Harnessing Smarty to differentiate the backend business logic with the front-end presentation
  • Analyzing the price conversion in respective currencies right on the cart page
  • Integrating the PayPal Express Checkout payment gateway
  • Building a strong connection between the backend database and the front-end system

Development Process From the start, Flexsin's development team embraced an agile work methodology. This methodology has proved to be helpful in handling project requirements and has given room for accommodating anything urgent that comes up from the client's ream. Some of the key factors that governed the development process are mentioned below.
  • Brainstorming the project requirements and defining work-related milestones
  • Detailing project outlines and defining roles and responsibilities related to the project
  • Delivering periodical work reports to the client and arranging sprint meetings with it
  • Accommodating any additional requirements during the project
  • Testing the deliverables before they reach the client
Business Outcomes
Once the engagement was successfully completed, the client had its Shopify e-commerce store up and running within the defined timeframe. The successful completion of the engagement even helped Flexsin gain the trust of the client. Because of the gained trust, Flexsin has got new projects from the client. Some key benefits that the client reaped from the engagement are mentioned below.
  • Reaching out to more customers through a robust Shopify e-commerce website
  • Enabling the client to deploy a portal that could manage the existing customer base and handle future demands
  • Building an e-commerce portal with an extremely high response time of 80 percent for every page
  • Improving the overall checkout experience by making it faster and more streamlined
Client's Speak
It was really exciting to work with Flexsin, and the end result was the successful launch of the e-commerce portal based on Shopify. The team at Flexsin did an incredible job in not just understanding our project vision but even putting it from paper to the real world.

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