CRM Modernization On Laravel Enabled A US Real Estate Company To Embrace Email Automation And Optimize Lead Management

Expertise: Web & Enterprise Portals Customer Relation Management (CRM) Application Development
Verticals: Real Estate
Technologies: LaravelJavascriptBootstrap
Home > Portfolio > CRM Modernization On Laravel Enabled A US Real Estate Company To Embrace Email Automation And Optimize Lead Management
Client Overview
Based in the US, the client wanted to augment its CRM software's capabilities by integrating email automation and other features. The client helps realtors and agents with valid Texas licenses to uncover growth opportunities in fast-paced real estate markets. Improving lead management and getting a detailed view of partner real estate companies motivated the client to embark on a CRM modernization project. As its trusted technology partner, we helped the client perform key CRM enhancements, including email automation, and maintain software performance. The upgraded CRM software empowered the client to optimize its lead flow, simplify email automation, and deliver value to its associate real estate companies.
Business Needs
Disjointed CRM modules impeded communication flow, prevented lead management optimization, and diminished the visibility into deal pipelines. To that end, the client wanted to address these issues and make the work of its associate real estate companies efficient, value-driven, and simple.

  • Fixing common bugs, enhancing portal functionalities, and ensuring that the three CRM applications worked seamlessly
  • Incorporating email automation capabilities into the CRM software for two of its users - admins and licensed realtors
  • Brainstorming and adding new features to improve the workflow of every CRM user - super admin, admin, licensed real estate companies, and agents
Strategy & Solution
As a digital transformation company with expertise in proprietary CRM technologies and in building new CRM modules, we helped the client approach this project with confidence. We brought our Laravel developers on board, as the project's backend was developed using this open-source framework. Our developers analyzed the scope of deliverables and divided the CRM project into the following three phases:

  • Fine-tuning the existing CRM modules
  • Integrating email automation capabilities into the CRM module available for admins and licensed real estate companies
  • Developing new features - dashboards, searchability, push notifications, a chat client, etc. - that improved outcomes for CRM users

Now, let us explain our team's scope of work in each of the three phases.


  • Carrying out comprehensive checks to the CRM modules and ensured the existing bugs were identified and fixed on priority
  • Modifying the existing CRM modules, which resulted in improved user experience and better software functionality
  • Fine-tuning the CRM software's user interface and ensured it became more responsive and intuitive
  • Validating the functionality - access controls, data synchronization, user authentication, etc. - of every CRM portal


  • Developing and deploying CRM email automation capabilities to improve the workflows of users - admins and licensed realtors
  • Enabling the users to send emails automatically to customers (property owners, for example) based on their current status - under contract, invoice, lease verification, lease confirmation, etc.
  • Helping users predefine the auto send day - the day when the first automated email will be triggered, depending on a lead's status and the status duration
  • Letting users set the number of days after which the first email and the subsequent reminder emails will be automatically sent
  • Allowing the users to set the time at which the email will be sent to their customers
  • Triggering a new chain of emails as soon as the real estate company involved in the deal updates a lead's status
  • Allowing the users to send different forms of attachments with the automated email: invoice, W-9 (tax) form, broker license, etc.


  • Creating dedicated dashboards with interactive features - such as graphs - for super admins, admins, real estate companies, and independent agents
  • Ensuring that every lead, which is listed to the CRM by the agents, is accessible to a company's admins and its real estate associates
  • Bringing a search box at the top of the interface to find leads in the CRM database fast
  • Incorporating the flag-listing feature to identify properties of interest
  • Facilitating the identification of every lead by giving it a dedicated icon, which can be downloaded from the AdminLTE Template
  • Providing CRM users - super admins, admins, and real estate companies - with the ability to send a pop-up notification
Business Outcomes
Once the project was deployed, the client improved the way its real estate associates, including independent agents, worked. CRM modernization helped the client facilitate lead tracking and property identification. And that was just a start. Once the CRM modernization project came to fruition, the client realized a number of benefits. Here are some of the noteworthy benefits of the engagement.

  • Improved the user experience by resolving bugs and improving the functionality of CRM portals
  • Enhanced lead management and communication by automating the emails sent by real estate companies to customers
  • Allowed the CRM users - super admins, admins, and real estate companies - to send real-time notifications about deal alerts, thereby facilitating swift action
  • Incorporated miscellaneous features - flag listing, for instance - to ensure lead tracking and property identification could be done fast
Client's Speak
CRM enhancements that Flexsin made were on-point. Now, my real estate associates and their agents have lead data at their fingertips to make key decisions faster and win better.
Bryan Bjerke
Allen, Texas
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