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The Art of Creating Websites That Are Built to Perform Globally

While a company is planning to design a fresh website, it’ll have to keep in mind a couple of thin...
Published: 26 Jul 2016
Category: User Experience Design
Home Blog The Art of Creating Websites That Are Built to Perform Globally

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While a company is planning to design a fresh website, it’ll have to keep in mind a couple of things like navigational elements, typography, SEO, style sheets, site structure, etc.—right from the planning stage. However, among so many elements, there is one thing that can be overlooked; it’s about localizing your website to appeal the local visitors no matter from where they are accessing it.

If, however, the business does not plan to cater to a range of multilevel audiences, then the webmasters need not take the pains. Nevertheless, if the business plans to expand its reach, then it will have to factor in the global audiences—they will doubtless play a crucial role to let the business touch new heights of wonders.

And if there is even a single shred of doubt on the significance of global audiences, it will be better to refer to the Internet World Statistics figures which reveal that there is a whopping 832.5 percent growth of the Internet users worldwide. (The data was collected from 2000 to 2015.) That is why it is better to know these three steps of creating a website that can match global competition.

Use images with text

Graphics and images are integral to any website. The web designers may select images and graphics as per the area/country where the site is built. However, these images and other similar items must cater to the needs of the site’s audiences worldwide.

If the site uses imagery that includes pictures of happy customers or pictures of professional-looking people sitting at the conference table, then the webmasters will have to question, “This is what people—especially, the global audience—will relate to?”

The answer to the query is a clear “No.” So if the business is catering to a larger group of audiences, the images must contain a bit of text. Now, when the text is embedded within the image, it is important to relate it with the countries the business is targeting. For this purpose, it is better to get premium web design services that can embed text in images easily, neatly, and quickly.

Leave space for foreign languages

While designing a site, the real estate, indeed, is at a premium. Often it is seen that the text (in English) fits perfectly well on a page. Once the translation of that very text is done, it spills over the entire page. Now, that is an eyesore and is one of the biggest problems for countless web designers.

For example, take the word “view”; in Portuguese, this word is “visualizações”—now that is 2.6 times the size that the English variant of the word takes. So how will this extra text fit easily and neatly within constrained div elements? The answer is simple: UTF-8 and the special features of HTML5. This specific variant of encoding was developed to solve this very problem only.

With HTML5 specs, a lot of webmasters can use special characters neatly within a page. (The HTML5 specs contain specific code points representing more than 110,000 characters. Now, that is, indeed, huge.)

Content optimization and translation

On the Internet, languages and the writings do not conform to a rigid structure. For this purpose, the visitors worldwide see a lot of idioms and slangs on the page. Sadly, these slangs or idioms do not really translate accurately in other languages; rather, the literal meanings of these slangs and idioms can easily garble the content.

So to overcome this, it is crucial to have the translated content get reviewed before it is published globally. Once this specific content is reviewed, it is good to get it internationalized. With this step, the business will ensure that the content’s context, intent, and original language are intact.

Also, while writing content for a website, it is good to never use idioms and slangs. The content must be direct and must have the X factor; also, if the content has to be framed for a larger international audience, it must be kept as simple as possible so that its meaning is never distorted even on translation.

Web development

Building a website that caters to a global audience requires careful consideration of various elements, including web development. The structure and functionality of the website must be designed to accommodate users from diverse regions and languages. Web developers play a crucial role in ensuring that the website is optimized for international audiences, with features such as multilingual support and responsive design. By incorporating web development best practices, businesses can create a user-friendly and accessible website that resonates with global visitors.

So whenever it comes to building the best website for global audiences, it is apt to leverage the services of a reliable Web design company. The hired player must have the right experience and deep expertise to create web spaces for companies catering to international audiences.


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