Salesforce Customization With Robotic Capabilities Helped A Healthcare Recruitment Ecosystem Save 20 Man-Hours Weekly
SaaS / Cloud SalesForce Implementation
Healthcare & Life Science
SaaSSalesforce Sales CloudSalesforce Lightning
Client Overview
A healthcare staffing firm in the US wanted to revamp its recruitment portal powered by Salesforce. Being a one-stop recruitment portal, the client empowers thousands of professionals in the healthcare sector to make the best career move. We were a Salesforce partner to help the client deploy custom automation capabilities in the recruitment portal. After doing Salesforce customization, the client automated job matching and saved a large number of work-hours. 
Business Needs
The client had a dedicated recruitment portal powered by Salesforce. The portal had built-in robotic processes. By leveraging these processes, the recruitment portal picked vacant job opportunities from the websites of healthcare employers worldwide. Afterward, the vacancies were to be manually matched with candidate profiles by the client. The client, however, spent several man-hours to match the right opportunities with the respective candidates. That way, it could not find the time to on growing its business. A few important client needs that gave rise to this engagement were as follows: - Accelerating the process of matching jobs with suitable candidates
- Building real-time notification processes for sending SMSs and emails to job candidates
- Improving the process of report generation and delivery
Strategy & Solution
The client collaborated with our team of Salesforce experts for conceptualizing, building, and deploying custom automation. Our team of Salesforce specialists decided to unlock the power of automation for helping the client save critical man-hours that were otherwise spent on manually matching the right healthcare opportunities with the job candidates.
Once the customization in the client's existing Salesforce recruitment portal was done, high-level automation was achieved. The customization helped in automating not only job-matching processes but also the way reports were generated and delivered to key stakeholders.
Front-end Doing customization to the existing Salesforce recruitment portal of the client meant we had to make sure the front-end did not lose its intuitiveness. We leveraged HTML, Salesforce Component Library, and Salesforce Lightning Design System or SLDS for tweaking the front-end so that it has automation components. Eventually, we rolled out customizations on the existing portal by:
Backend Before carrying out different customizations, we along with the client prepared an extensive road map for accommodating automotive capabilities in the existing portal. For making sure that the recruitment portal was able to do job-matching and report generation seamlessly, we leveraged:
Technology Stack Apex Scheduler | Batch Apex | Salesforce Process Builder
Development Process For personalizing the existing recruitment portal for the client, we kicked off the project along with the client's key stakeholders. We made sure that the automation capabilities that the portal will have once the customizations were done delivered better results than any off-the-shelf options. Some of the highlights of the development phase are as follows.
Once the customization in the client's existing Salesforce recruitment portal was done, high-level automation was achieved. The customization helped in automating not only job-matching processes but also the way reports were generated and delivered to key stakeholders.
Front-end Doing customization to the existing Salesforce recruitment portal of the client meant we had to make sure the front-end did not lose its intuitiveness. We leveraged HTML, Salesforce Component Library, and Salesforce Lightning Design System or SLDS for tweaking the front-end so that it has automation components. Eventually, we rolled out customizations on the existing portal by:
- Integrating automotive components to perform the defined tasks seamlessly
- Unlocking SLDS for creating immersive user experiences
- Deploying ready-to-go interface elements
Backend Before carrying out different customizations, we along with the client prepared an extensive road map for accommodating automotive capabilities in the existing portal. For making sure that the recruitment portal was able to do job-matching and report generation seamlessly, we leveraged:
- Process Builder for quickly adding automation capabilities
- Batch Apex for easily managing huge records of medical jobs
- Schedulers for running multiple Apex classes at different times
Technology Stack Apex Scheduler | Batch Apex | Salesforce Process Builder
Development Process For personalizing the existing recruitment portal for the client, we kicked off the project along with the client's key stakeholders. We made sure that the automation capabilities that the portal will have once the customizations were done delivered better results than any off-the-shelf options. Some of the highlights of the development phase are as follows.
- Defining stakeholder participation within the project's lifecycle
- Documenting the implementation phase in a step-by-step format
- Developing and deploying different automation workflows
- Monitoring implementation workflows along with custom objects
- Optimizing data migration initiatives using a data loader
- Carrying out training sessions for different end-users
- Maintaining the Salesforce platform after the deployment is done
Business Outcomes

- Simplified the way job-matching took place over the platform saving 20 man-hours every week
- Deployed real-time notification processes that automatically notified candidates through email and SMS whenever a job-match took place
- Automated key processes including report generation and delivery that brought down the data-specific errors
- Improved employee productivity as the team had more free time to focus on initiating growth activities
- Optimized different processes of the recruitment portal for ensuring business success
Client's Speak

Whether it's the quality of the deliverables or their timely delivery, we're fully satisfied with Flexsin's exceptional work ethics. 

Kyle Rhodes
Owner, Dallas, TX, USA
Owner, Dallas, TX, USA
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