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Flexsin Response To COVID-19

May 13,2020
Ensuring safety and business continuity with resilience, determination And compassion

May 13, 2020 Noida, Uttar Pradesh:The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated at an unprecedented scale ever known to mankind. In these testing times, at Flexsin, we continue to revaluate just not the business operations but also our value proposition. Our foremost responsibility is ensuring safety and business continuity with resilience, determination, and compassion. Our business continuity plans have helped us to support existing business programs and clients in these difficult times. At Flexsin we all are committed to delivering the required services to clients effectively and stand committed to meet the ongoing and future and ever-changing business exigencies.

Flexsin's leadership team has taken the onus on themselves and has created a WAR room to assess the current situation and plan for employee safety and business continuity. The teams within can easily connect to the WAR room and can use the updated and apt solution to cater to any issues related to employees, customers and partners to ensure we have the best response and stay connected with all our stakeholders.

Our workforce is successfully working remotely with cyber-security protocols to ensure data security. We are harnessing high-speed digital connectivity capabilities for ensuring seamless collaboration with our clients and prospects.

The business operations are aligned with the government bodies, the WHO, and global healthcare norms to enable flattening of the curve. We are adhering to all the guidelines and precautions issued by the governments across our offices in North America, Middle East, and India. We have taken concrete steps toward addressing the COVID-19 situation and practically 100% of our workforce remotely operating from home to prioritize employee and family well-being and fulfilling our service commitments to ensure community welfare. Together, we fight this global outbreak ensuring the safety of lives with on-going business.

We have also extended our support to protect the community from this all-consuming global pandemic. As a social responsibility, we have contributed to the PM Cares Fund in India and given medical essentials and PPE supplies to healthcare facilities. Additionally, we have encouraged our employees to make contributions to help humanity battle this crisis together.

While the globe is looking out at reopening to bring life to normalcy, we stand committed to support our clients in every aspect along with the foremost responsibility of employee well being and safety. As an enterprise, incorporated with business agility, we have an all-encompassing structured approach for streamlined deliveries and keeping client assurance at the heart of all our endeavors.

We can be reached out for any details related to COVID-19 clarifications and information.

Wishing safety, security, and well being of the global community at large.
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