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Why every business wants to invest in cross-platform applications?

Finding answers Now, this is the first stage that comes to pass whenever a business plans to invest ...
Published: 11 Aug 2016
Category: Enterprise Applications
Home Blog Why every business wants to invest in cross-platform applications?

Mobile Application Development

Finding answers

Now, this is the first stage that comes to pass whenever a business plans to invest in mobile application development. And when a business does invest time and money in such endeavors, it will have to answer a range of questions to begin with.

The questions that business owners will have to ask themselves and their teams before embarking on such development activities are mentioned below.

  • How will the app simplify the life of its end users?
  • How should the application look to its end users?
  • Does the business have the resources, the expertise, and the experience to develop the app, or will it have to outsource the job?
  • Does the application development task sit well with the overall business plan?

And before answering each of these questions, there is one other decision—the most prominent one; the business has to choose between cross-platform development versus the native one.

The war between native apps and cross-platform ones

Native apps are the ones that are designed particularly for leading operating systems, such as Android or iOS. These apps, however, will never be able to function on any other platform for which they are not designed.

And that is the key factor that drives the popularity of cross-platform applications; the fact that they can be operated on different platforms—whether it is iOS or Android—lets them stand out from the crowd. Now, let us read up on the different benefits that a cross-platform app has for any business.

Top 5 benefits of cross-functional applications

Fast turnaround

Since a business needs to develop only a single cross-platform app that can run on multiple operating systems, the turnaround is significantly lesser when it is compared with the time required to complete a native app. Because of its significantly reduced time to market, this app type has become one of the hottest investments for businesses belonging to diverse industrial backdrops. Also, the code that is used for building a cross-functional app can be easily reused a lot of times. That is, the app developers need to take the already established libraries of any previous app and assemble them to build a new app that shares its functionality with the parent program.

Low costs

Now, this is simple economics—if less time is taken and fewer efforts are spent while app development, then the total cost will come down significantly. (And if the testing and the ongoing support are taken into consideration, then both of these activities will not cost much.) One simple fact with every cross-functional app is that it will never cost a small fortune to businesses until the application in question is complex.

Simplified Cloud integration

It is highly convenient and quick for every cross-platform mobile app to get integrated on the Cloud to leverage the different hosting services. When a business prepares a universally compatible app, it can easily leverage all the money-saving advantages that Cloud hosting brings to the table. Additionally, the security with the Cloud is convenient, quick, and simple to handle as there is only a single app to shield.

Fast deployment

Cross-platform apps may be deployed from any company’s web server and may be accessed through diverse browsers; the deployment of such apps is really an intuitive process that is quick and that allows the users to use them without any wait.

Easy to update

As cross-functional applications are easily accessed via the Internet, the updates can be done easily and quickly. That implies the applications can be updated automatically, and the users will never need to update the programs manually.

Because of these benefits, this type of apps has become one of the most popular ones among different businesses. So if a business is looking for a way to design applications that are compatible to work with diverse platforms, it must hire a leading app development company that has a diverse portfolio.


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