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How Enterprise Mobility Strives to Improve User Retention

An enterprise mobility app’s onboarding experience has to be excellent because it is critical to t...
Published: 07 Jun 2016
Category: Mobile App Development
Home Blog How Enterprise Mobility Strives to Improve User Retention

An enterprise mobility app’s onboarding experience has to be excellent because it is critical to the success of the program. Exceptional user onboarding experience for an app—whether it is a business one or a commercial one—is essential for boosting long-term success metrics such as user lifetime value and user retention.

For this reason, it is essential to know about all the different factors of enterprise mobility (a mobile application, that is) that can really improve the user’s retention rate. In this post, there is a range of best practices discussed; they should be implemented while enterprise mobility application development is underway. On implementing such developmental best practices, the client will be able to boost the app’s initial downloads and create a steady stream of highly engaged users.

Simplifying the sign-up processes

When it comes to user onboarding, it is all about making the process really simple for all the app users; by doing so, the app’s use will become a part of the user’s everyday life. The more complex the app, the more difficult it will be for the user to sign up or log in. And that is precisely the moment when users will feel like quitting the app—uninstalling it straight away from their smartphone’s precious memory. Which is why, the app’s log-in page should be easy to reach and simple to understand; the fields, over here, must be defined properly and must be kept to a minimum.

More and more application programs, which are designed to improve enterprise mobility, must have a solitary sign-up screen. Previously this trend was very popular among all the entertainment and social media apps; however, now, this practice is even among the key app development and design principles that are necessary to put to use during enterprise application development.

However, the onboarding experience of an app completely depends on a number of factors ranging from the program’s utility to the freshness of the concept. Some factors that affect the onboarding experience of an app are mentioned below.

  • Benefit oriented— communicating all the values that come with an app
  • Function— demonstrating key functionalities
  • Progressive— educating via guided instructions
  • Hybrid— mixing two or more elements that are mentioned above

Irrespective of the appropriate onboarding methods, the goal of an enterprise application is to make it simpler and quicker for the users to sign up on the app.

Following the ‘one screen, one concept’ rule

The users of the app will be able to absorb a truckload of information easily and quickly, provided the number of concepts shared per page is restricted to one. Which is why, it is advisable to make every app page focused by avoiding chunks of information; this action, further, enables the app development team will create an exemplary program with lots of loyal users.

Such practice is important and has to be implemented for every benefit- and function-oriented application. This principle, once kept in mind, will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the program’s key functionalities
  • Communicate the absolute value to the end users

Because these two crucial points are very important for an app’s success, many app developers—especially the ones preparing an enterprise app—stick to the principle of sharing one concept per screen every time.

Progressing through user-empowered interactions

Many apps deploy a progressive onboarding approach, which is known for its complex nature. In such applications, the users will be provided a tutorial on the ways through which an app can be used.

Every app offering one of the most progressive onboarding techniques provides the users a fun element that comes attached with whenever something new is discovered. However, such discoveries must be simple to make and must never ever mar the overall experience. For this purpose, it is beneficial to design an onboarding experience that completely relies on guided interactions.

All the guided interactions are related to engaging users to explore rather than just instructing them about what all that has to be done. This onboarding concept has borrowed most of its principles and design concepts from video games. That is, such a concept completely relies on lengthy tutorials in which the user plays through a range of actions for familiarizing with the environment and the controls that govern an app.

So here are the three key principles that have to be kept in mind and implemented on time for letting enterprise mobility enable a business to retain its app users. For implementing such principles by the book, it is always beneficial to get associated with a mobile application development company right away.


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