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3 reasons why many business apps get uninstalled

An application’s improved User Experience (UX) lets an app work seamlessly in different conditions...
Published: 12 Sep 2016
Category: Mobile App Development
Home Blog 3 reasons why many business apps get uninstalled

Mobile application development

An application’s improved User Experience (UX) lets an app work seamlessly in different conditions; so the UX of an app must be updated, easy to use and personalized. Before moving ahead, here are some app-related facts.

Some hard-hitting facts

  • Nearly 80-90 percent of downloadable apps are deleted after their first use.
  • Ninety-four percent of users delete apps within a month after downloading; 84 percent of users delete an app within the first three days.
  • A large part of users downloads an app the second time if they feel it is ordinary the first time.

The way forward

The rising cost to acquire new customers and retain the old ones defines today’s competitive app market; this factor encourages mobile application development companies to remove the variables encouraging app deletion. This is why this post gives readers the reasons why users uninstall apps and how to save an app from meeting a similar fate.

Notifications abound

An app should have real-time interactions with its users without letting them log in to the program. Today, app developers, especially of enterprise mobility solutions, think notifications as the way of communicating with an app’s users; rather, these notifications become a major source of user annoyance sometimes. App developers think that a notification informs a user — but if they go overboard (which they do most of the times), then it starts nagging a user and the person may delete the application. This strategy becomes counterproductive because users find so many notifications irritating, so there needs to be a solution.

Solution: An app developer must allow users to select notification frequencies, or the development company can send a specific number of well-timed notifications based on user preference — this will surely improve UX. If users find any app useful, they will want to receive its notifications for not missing any app updates.

Operating problems

An app comes to life for a user to introduce convenience. So if an app is difficult to understand and use, then it will turn the users off. User-friendly apps still have a chance to survive in the competitive app market. Anyway, here is the solution to this problem.

Solution: Apps must be intuitive and easy to use to resolve their operating issues. Additionally, the users of an app should have easy-to-understand instructional guides to operate it. Nowadays, apps come with tutorials to familiarize users for enriching user experience.

Irrelevant in-app messages

Most of the apps have one common annoying attribute — getting frequent pop-ups related to feedback, upgrades or adverts that link to other similar apps. All these pop-ups come under in-app messages, and they are important but should be timed well. Here is the solution to this problem.

Solution: App publishers must have a well-researched, subtle feedback system, which will not annoy customers/users. App designers must implement a sentiment-measuring mechanism within the feedback system to note a user’s feedback unobtrusively and effectively.

So these are the top three reasons, along with their solutions, that lead to an app’s uninstallation. For this purpose, every business owner must pick only those app development companies that can design apps that are built to perform.


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